Training & capacity building

Training and Capacity Building

Cultural Corridors is a participatory research and action project, and training and capacity building are at its heart.

We are providing training – for Bedouin participants and other volunteers – which develops their skills in the documentation, archiving and promotion of intangible cultural heritage. This includes methods such as ethnographic interviews, participatory mapping and the observation and recording of traditional practices. It includes photos, video, and audio documentation techniques, as well as skills in digital archiving and data sharing.


The capacity-building aspect enhances the ability of participating Bedouin communities to transfer their traditional knowledge and skills from generation to generation, helping to safeguard this living heritage. We are also supporting Bedouin participants to develop their social capital, by connecting with each other across national borders and by forging relationships with researchers and others who can support them as they strive to sustain their culture, seek wider recognition for its value and support for its protection.

يعزّز جانب بناء القدرات قدرة مشاركة المجموعات البدويّة في نقل معرفتهم ومهاراتهم التقليديّة من جيلٍ إلى جيل، الأمر الذي يساعد في صون تراثهم الحيّ. ندعم كذلك المشاركين البدو في إنماء رأسمالهم الاجتماعي، وذلك عن طريق مساعدتهم على التواصل فيما بينهم متجاوزين حدود البلاد، ومن خلال تعزيز العلاقات مع باحثين وآخرين يمكنهم دعم البدو في سعيهم للحفاظ على ثقافتهم، وتحقيق المعرفة بقيمتها على نطاقٍ أوسع، ودعم حمايتها.

التدريب وبناء القدرات

إنّ برنامج الأروقة الثقافيّة هو بحثٌ تشاركيّ ومشروع عمل، لذا فالتدريب وبناء القدرات هما على قدرٍ بالغٍ من الأهمّيّة.

نقدّم التدريب للبدو المشاركين والمتطوّعين الآخرين، ما يُسهِم بصقل مهاراتهم في التوثيق والأرشفة وتعزيز التراث الثقافي غير المادي. ويشمل ذلك التدريب على طرائق معيّنة مثل المقابلات الإثنوغرافيّة، والرسم التشاركيّ للخرائط، وملاحظة الممارسات التقليديّة وتسجيلها، فضلاً عن تقنيّات الأرشفة بالصور والفيديوهات والتسجيلات الصوتيّة، ومهارات الأرشفة الرقميّة ومشاركة البيانات.


Training and Capacity Building

Cultural Corridors is a participatory research and action project, and training and capacity building are at its heart.

We are providing training – for Bedouin participants and other volunteers – which develops their skills in the documentation, archiving and promotion of intangible cultural heritage. This includes methods such as ethnographic interviews, participatory mapping and the observation and recording of traditional practices. It includes photos, video, and audio documentation techniques, as well as skills in digital archiving and data sharing.

The capacity-building aspect enhances the ability of participating Bedouin communities to transfer their traditional knowledge and skills from generation to generation, helping to safeguard this living heritage. We are also supporting Bedouin participants to develop their social capital, by connecting with each other across national borders and by forging relationships with researchers and others who can support them as they strive to sustain their culture, seek wider recognition for its value and support for its protection.


Cultural Corridors of Peace is funded by the British Council’s Cultural Protection Fund, in partnership with the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport.


Cultural Corridors of Peace is funded by the British Council’s Cultural Protection Fund, in partnership with the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport.


Cultural Corridors of Peace is funded by the British Council’s Cultural Protection Fund, in partnership with the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport.